Downloading Data on Directors' Dealings

Programming BaFin Insider Trading R


Directors’ dealings are financial securities transactions, especially in shares, of executives targeting their employer resp. company. In Germany such transactions fall under § 15a WpHG which is the German securities trading act. By law directors’ dealings have to be reported to the BaFin (federal agency for financial market supervision). The BaFin makes these dealings publicly accessible via their website, see here. This article provides R code for downloading data on directors’ dealings and generating relevant visualisations.

DISCLAIMER: None of the below is intended to be considered as any kind of investment advice. All examples serve as illustrative material only.

The Design

The following codes allows to output an interactive plot visualising directors’ buying (green) and selling (red) along the evolution of the target company’s share price. An example is the below plot for Deutsche Telekom AG (ISIN: DE0005557508).

Plot of director's dealing for Deutsche Telekom
There was one director's dealing for Deutsche Telekom AG (ISIN: DE0005557508) over the last 12 months where shares of a total worth of 1,264 M€ were bought.

To generate a plot run the below main.R file. Two parameters have to be set:

  1. Specify a target company via its ISIN, in the Deutsche Telekom AG example this would be isin <- "DE0005557508".
  2. Set the start date quotes_start_date from which on stock price quotes are downloaded. As BaFin’s database stores directors’ dealings for up to 12 months the code’s default behaviour is to download stock data for the matching 12 months period. If a longer price history is required (then without potential directors’ dealings), set quotes_start_date to a date prior to the current date minus 12 months.

# analysis of directors dealings reported to BaFin

rm(list = ls())



# parameters
isin <- "DE0005557508" # 
quotes_start_date <- as.Date("2017-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d")

config_path <- "config/isin_symbol_mapping.txt"

# download directors dealings
dealings <- directors_dealings(isin)
dealings <- dealings_summary(dealings)

min_date <- min(c(quotes_start_date, min(dealings$date)))
max_date <- Sys.Date()

# download stock quotes
symbol_map <- load_isin_symbol_map(config_path)
symbol <- symbol_map[[isin]]

stock_quotes <- market_data(
  symbol = symbol,
  from   = min_date,
  to     = max_date

# plot results
deal_data <- melt(dealings, id = "date")
deal_data$y <- stock_quotes$quote[which(stock_quotes$date %in% deal_data$date)]

buy_data <- deal_data %>% filter(variable == "buy" & value != 0)
sell_data <- deal_data %>% filter(variable == "sell" & value != 0)

p <- plot_ly(
  x = ~date,
  y = ~quote,
  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines",
  showlegend = TRUE,
  name = "stock price"
) %>%
    xaxis = list(title = ""),
    yaxis = list(title = "")

if (nrow(buy_data) > 0) {
  p <- p %>%
    data = buy_data,
    x = ~date,
    y = ~1.02*y,
    size = ~value,
    hoverinfo = "text",
    text = ~paste0(
      "Date: ", date,

Type: ", "Buy", "
Volume: ", format(round(value, 0), big.mark=",", scientific = FALSE) ), marker = list(opacity = 1, color = "green", line = list(color = "green")), showlegend = TRUE, name = "insider buying" ) } if (nrow(sell_data) > 0) { p <- p %>% add_markers( data = sell_data, x = ~date, y = ~0.98*y, size = ~value, hoverinfo = "text", text = ~paste0( "Date: ", date, "

Type: ", "Sell", "
Volume: ", format(round(value, 0), big.mark=",", scientific = FALSE) ), marker = list(opacity = 1, color = "red", line = list(color = "red")), showlegend = TRUE, name = "insider selling" ) } ggplotly(p) htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, paste0(isin, ".html"))

The actual functionality running a web request on the BaFin’s website is implemented in the next two sections. The remaining code of this section is the content of a source file helpers.R and allows to load and process the below config file isin_symbol_mapping.txt which serves the following purpose: As stock price quotes are retrieved from via the R package BatchGetSymbols a mapping from the target company’s ISIN to the corresponding Yahoo symbol has to be implemented. The symbol for Deutsche Telekom AG would be DTE.DE. Note that the stated config implements the mapping for all German DAX companies. When running the code for a non DAX company, simply add the corresponding line to the config file.

DE0005190003,BMW.DE#Bayerische Motoren Werke
DE0005140008,DBK.DE#Deutsche Bank
DE0005810055,DB1.DE#Deutsche Börse
DE0005552004,DPW.DE#Deutsche Post
DE0005557508,DTE.DE#Deutsche Telekom
DE0005785802,FME.DE#Fresenius Medical Care
DE0008430026,MUV2.DE#Muenchener Rueck


load_isin_symbol_map <- function(path) {
  tab <- read.table(path, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  n <- nrow(tab)
  map <- vector("list", n)
  for (i in 1 : n)
    map[i] <- tab[[2]][[i]]

  names(map) <- tab[[1]]



Accessing Financial Market Data

While there exist quite a few vendors for free stock quote data, keeping track of the available APIs is tedious: As the time of writing major websites stopped their APIs. Thus, the related R packages for requesting data from Yahoo and Co. no longer do the job. The best option I could find is the BatchGetSymbols package for R. The below code is a wrapper for the package’s functionality and is used for downloading both historical stock price quotes and historical foreign exchange rates. The latter are needed when the target company’s shares were bought in a foreign currency, e.g. US dollar. The code uses the exchange rates to convert all figures to EUR. In order to use and source (see above main.R) the code, paste it into a file market_data.R.


market_data <- function(symbol, from, to) {
  query_result <- BatchGetSymbols(
    tickers      = symbol,   = from,    = to,    = "daily",
    cache.folder = file.path(tempdir(), "BGS_Cache")

    date  = query_result$,
    quote = query_result$price.adjusted


Accessing Data on Directors' Dealings

The actual logic downloading and preparing the directors’ dealings data is implemented by the subsequent code which is the content of a file directors_dealings.R. Granted, the implementation is not the nicest, but it does the job. Four functions are required:

  1. directors_dealings(isin): Runs the actual web request for a single specified isin fetching raw table data from BaFin’s website.
  2. dealings_summary(dealings_table): Converts the output of directors_dealings into a dataframe of daily amounts of insider deals (buy and sell). This includes aggregating individual insider transactions on a particular day and converting non EUR figures into EUR amounts.
  3. aggregate_transactions(data, date, dir, fx_map): Helper function for aggregating individual deals for specified dir in {BUY_FLAG, SELL_FLAG}.
  4. get_fx(fx, date, map): Extracts the CCYEUR exchange rate applicable for date from currency map.



BUY_FLAG <- "Kauf"
SELL_FLAG <- "Verkauf"

directors_dealings <- function(isin) {
  stopifnot(is.character(isin), length(isin) == 1)

  url <- ""
  form_name <- ""
  session <- html_session(paste0(url, form_name))
  form <- html_form(session)[[1]]

  form <- set_values(form, emittentIsin = isin)
  session <- submit_form(session, form)

  bafin_data <- paste0(
    read_html(session) %>%
      html_nodes(xpath = "//div[@class=\"exportlinks\"]//a") %>%
      xml_attrs("a") %>%
  ) %>%


dealings_summary <- function(dealings_table) {
  stopifnot("Durchschnittspreis" %in% colnames(dealings_table))

  date_col_index <- grep("Datum des G", colnames(dealings_table))
  stopifnot(date_col_index > 0)
  colnames(dealings_table)[date_col_index] <- "date"

  dir_col_index <- grep("Art des G", colnames(dealings_table))
  stopifnot(dir_col_index > 0)
  colnames(dealings_table)[dir_col_index] <- "dir"

  vol_col_index <- grep("Aggregiertes Volumen", colnames(dealings_table))
  stopifnot(vol_col_index > 0)
  colnames(dealings_table)[vol_col_index] <- "volume"

  dtmp   <- strsplit(dealings_table$Durchschnittspreis, " ")
  dprice <- sapply(dtmp, function(item) { return(as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", item[1]))) })
  dcur   <- sapply(dtmp, function(item) { return(item[2]) })

  ddate <- as.Date(dealings_table$date, DATE_FORMAT_BAFIN)
  udate <- sort(unique(ddate))

  ucur <- unique(dcur)
  ucur <- ucur[which(ucur != "EUR")]

  min_date <- min(udate)
  max_date <- max(udate)

  l_fx <- list()

  for (cur in ucur) {
    fx_query <- market_data(
      symbol = paste0(cur, "EUR=X"),
      from   = min_date,
      to     = max_date
    l_fx[[cur]] <- fx_query

  res <- matrix(rep(0, 2*length(udate)), ncol = 2)

  for (i in seq_along(udate)) {
    d <- udate[i]
    stab <- dealings_table[which(d == as.Date(dealings_table$date, DATE_FORMAT_BAFIN)), ]

    buy <- aggregate_transactions(
      data   = stab,
      date   = d,
      dir    = BUY_FLAG,
      fx_map = l_fx

    sell <- aggregate_transactions(
      data   = stab,
      date   = d,
      dir    = SELL_FLAG,
      fx_map = l_fx

    res[i, ] <- c(buy, sell)

  res <-
  colnames(res) <- c("buy", "sell")
  res$date <- udate


aggregate_transactions <- function(data, date, dir, fx_map) {
  index <- which(dir == data$dir)

  if (length(index) == 0) return(0)

  stab  <- data[index, ]
  cur   <- sapply(strsplit(stab$volume, " "), function(item) { return(item[2]) })
  fx    <- rep(1, length(cur))

  for (i in seq_along(cur)) {
    tcur <- cur[i]
    if (tcur != "EUR")
      fx[i] <- get_fx(tcur, date, fx_map)

  volume <- sapply(strsplit(stab$volume, " "), function(item) {
    return(as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", gsub("\\.", "", item[1]))))

  return(sum(volume * fx))

get_fx <- function(fx, date, map) {
  data <- map[[fx]]
  ndate <- data$date[which(abs(data$date - date) == min(abs(data$date - date)))]

  return(data$quote[which(data$date == ndate)])